
Ongoing Contributions

If you are a frequent contributor, we can set up "an account" (envelope number) with you if you like and give you quarterly and annual statements with an income tax receipt at the end of the year.

Cheque or Cash

Place cheques or cash into an offering envelope (available in the pew racks if you do not have a numbered set already). Please write your name, envelope number and total amount on the envelope (first time givers are required to complete all fields). Drop it into the offering plate as it passes by during the service or drop it off at the office through the week.

Post-Dated Cheques

Mail or drop off your post-dated cheques with envelope number to the envelope secretary at Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church. Please do not mail cash.

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)

Set up automatic monthly withdrawals from your bank account. For the PAR set-up form for VAPC, click here. Once the form is completed, please contact the envelope secretary (envelope@vapc.ca) to finalize the arrangement.  Should you have any question please contact the envelope secretary (envelope@vapc.ca).

Interac Electronic Transfer

Interac electronic transfers (e-transfers) should be sent directly to treasurer@vapc.ca.

Online Giving

We accept online giving through a service provider (Tithe.ly) focused exclusively on church giving. For instructions on how to set up an account and start giving online click here and you can download a 'How To' instruction manual.


Questions About Giving

If you have any questions about giving, please stop by our office or send us your questions.

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