Welcome to Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church

We are happy you found our website and hope you find the resources here helpful. We are a multi-generational and diverse cultural church family. This diversity of age, experience and heritage influences our dynamic church life.  It does not matter where you are in your spiritual journey or how you got here.  What you need to know is you are welcome here!

Here are some things you need to know about getting connected at our church:

Sunday Mornings – 10:00 am

Each Sunday at 10:00 am, the VAPC community of faith gathers to worship together. The worship service is the weekly focus of congregational life and a time of spiritual challenge, growth and renewal.

We participate in thought-provoking sermons grounded in Biblical wisdom. We celebrate with inspiring music. We stop our business to worship together in God’s house and enjoy each other’s company in a time of fellowship. Services typically last 60 minutes followed by a time of fellowship over coffee and tea.

Want more information on our worship services?  Click here.


Each Sunday, the entire family begins worship together in the sanctuary.  Prior to the scripture reading and sermon, ‘Young Christians’ gather at the front of the church for a short lesson with the minister. Upon conclusion, children depart together for Sunday school lessons. 
We currently offer Sunday school programming for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and elementary school children. Sunday school typically breaks down into one class for children in Kindergarten and younger and one class for Elementary children. Contact faithformation@vapc.ca for more information.

VAPC Ministries

A great way to get a sense of our church is to take a look at our key ministries - Children & Youth; Adults & Families; Seniors; Worship & Music; Missions; Stewardship; Leading with Care; Pastoral Care; and Stephen Ministry.

Want more information on our key Ministries?  Click here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do you still have questions?  Click here to find answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQs).


Do you need more information?

In order to get more information about VAPC, please fill out the form below.

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