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We just have one week to go in this year's ‘CONNECT’ campaign (five weeks from 13-Jan to 10-Feb) focused on extending our mission - ‘One in Christ - Reaching out to Many’.  Help us build better communities - locally, nationally and internationally.  

Results - Week 4

  • Presbyterians Sharing
    • Received - $7,101
    • Pledged - $2,780 (stock & schedule in 2019)
    • Combined Total - $9,881
      • 31.4% of our Presbyterians Sharing goal
  • Audio/Visual Upgrades
    • Received - $9,204
    • Pledged - 1,520
    • Combined Total - $10,724
      • 79.4% of our Audio/Visual Upgrade goal
  • CONNECT Campaign Total
    • Combined - $20,605
      • 45.8% of our total campaign goal

Connect the Dots

  • Locally - Facility Upgrades
    • The small investment VAPC made last year toward establishing a mobile projection capability has proven beneficial to both VAPC and our partner programs
    • Our larger group presentation capability is proving burdensome to both VAPC (in the Sanctuary) and our partner programs (in Scott Hall)
    • With projection upgrades our church increasingly becomes the place where our local community gathers to meet, learn, play, coordinate, collaborate, and build new connections
    • Campaign funds would supplement the existing Audio/Video fund; some directed giving specific to community focused upgrades; and budgeted funds specific to sanctuary upgrades
  • Nationally and Internationally - Presbyterians Sharing
    • Presbyterians Sharing is a National Church program that:
      • Encourages and equips congregational renewal and development
      • Supports inner city, native, refugee and remote ministries in Canada
      • Sends mission personnel to work with international partners
    • In 2018, our congregation committed to provide 70% of what the national church had suggested for VAPC’s contribution - by year end we had provided over 100%
    • By raising this money in a start of year campaign, VAPC has a stable and predictable budget for the balance of 2019 and the work of Presbyterians Sharing extends VAPC’s ‘Reach out to Many’

How Can You Give?

  • It is very important as a congregation to ensure our givings to this campaign do not negatively impact the givings to general church operations
  • We recognize that money might not be readily available during the campaign timeframe. Pledges are gratefully accepted (download Connect Donation/Pledge Form below)
  • Please indicate which goal you wish to support with your gift by using the Connect Donation/Pledge Form below or clearly marking
    • ‘Connect - Presbyterian Sharing’, or
    • ‘Connect - Audio/Video Upgrades’
  • Should you wish to support both, you must indicate percentages for each

Other Gifts to Give?

  • Gifts come in many packages - whether you are able to give monetarily or not, this campaign needs and accepts your prayers of support, your faith in VAPC’s future fulfilling our mission, and your energy and excitement as we continue our work of building better communities.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to speak with:

  • Martha Nystrom (tel: (403) 852-7750; email: