The Rainbow Communion Report
In preparation for this past June's General Assembly, the Rainbow Communion, a Special Listening Committee of the PCC, released their final report. The report represents the culmination of 5 years of work, listening to the experiences of those who self-identify as LGBTQI, their families and friends, and others, within the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The report and many other resources can be accessed here:
A summary resource booklet, "Not All Are Welcome", can be accessed below.
Earlier this summer, the Session of VAPC affirmed our commitment to grow as a diverse and inclusive congregation. As we go forward, we will have more opportunities to explore what this means. The work of the Rainbow Communion is a good place to start. By understanding the experience of LGBQTI persons in the PCC we may develop a better appreciation of why being an affirming community is such a necessary part of being genuinely inclusive.