Now in it’s 5th year at VAPC, word about the Side by Side recreational day program for people with dementia is spreading, thanks in part to a recent cover story in the Presbyterian Connection newspaper.
If you haven’t yet had a chance to see the story in print, take a look online (Issue 12, Winter 2019: ). Connection is distributed across Canada, so a LOT of people now know about the program. The hope is that other churches and community organizations might be inspired to talk to us about creating Side by Side programs of their own.
As the ever-present waiting list for a space at VAPC’s Side by Side (and other dementia day programs) shows, the need for support by families coping with dementia is great.
Please talk to your families, neighbours, and friends about supporting the newly launched Vision 2020 Campaign at VAPC, partial proceeds of which will go directly toward operating costs for the Side by Side program.